No Person Is Above the Law… Maybe…

Equal Justice Under Law
U.S. Supreme Court building

Back in 1974, when he pardoned Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford committed one of the most heinous acts in the history of the United States.

All through the Watergate saga — from the day after the break-in, when no one had a clue that the President might be directly involved; through the investigations and prosecutions and Congressional hearings; all the way up to Nixon’s resignation in disgrace — throughout that entire time, …

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Their Blood is on Your Hands…

Photo Credit: Jamin Mahmood of Vulvani, Wikimedia Commons.

Back in the 1980s, I wanted to get into the financial business. I was going to get a license to sell mutual funds. Note that I was going to “get a license.” I couldn’t just go out and start selling mutual funds, even if some company hired me. No. I had to take a 12-week course, have a 10-year background check, be fingerprinted, then pass four

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A Quote Not Written by a 2020s Liberal Socialist…

Not really going to comment much on this except to say that the document this quote comes from makes fascinating reading in light of the current situation in the United States.

The document, entitled A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler: His Life and Legend, was published in 1943 by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, which was the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency. A scan of the document itself is found on the …

A Quote Not Written by a 2020s Liberal Socialist… Read More
Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon

The Only Reason You Need…

A couple of years ago, before we moved here to Italy, I wondered aloud (well, at least on Facebook) if I would be able to find my favorite drink, Jim Beam Kentucky bourbon, after we got here. I had no idea what kind of alcohol they sold or enjoyed in Italy — well, except good wine and Peroni beer, of course — so I was a little apprehensive that my bourbon cravings might no longer …

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Mrs. Captain Eddie Has Written a Book!

How Did I End Up Here? book coverYes, it’s true! Mrs. Capt. Eddie (alias Vicky Perrone) has written a book, which is now available at The description at Amazon pretty much sums it up:

“Vicky Perrone has led an imperfect life, but many would say she is now “living the dream.” A prize-winning photographer and former photojournalist, she has gone from troubled teen to adventurer and world traveler. Along the way, she’s learned about life, relationships — and herself. In

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