Anti-facemask propaganda

For All You People in the U.S. Whining About Wearing a Mask…

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, and we’ll get to that in just a little bit. First, though, let me tell you a story about how some things went down here in Italy recently.

Early on in the coronavirus thing, Italy became one of the world’s hotspots. Cases here were surging. There were thousands of new cases a day. Hospitals were overwhelmed. Hundreds of people were dying — every day. It all …

For All You People in the U.S. Whining About Wearing a Mask… Read More

Celebration of the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene in La Maddalena, Italy (video)

The feast of St. Mary Magdalene (Santa Maria Maddalena) on July 22nd is a big deal here in La Maddalena. She is the patron saint of the city and the island, and the church here is dedicated to her as well. So when her feast day rolls around,  the locals, tourists, and dignitaries all turn out for a celebration.

Here’s a video from last year’s celebration (2018). It contains everything from prayers to fireworks to …

Celebration of the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene in La Maddalena, Italy (video) Read More

Using a U.S. Credit Card in Italy, Even When They Don’t Want You To…

Assuming you have notified your credit card company ahead of time that you’ll be traveling or living outside of the United States, using your U.S.-issued credit cards in Italy should not be a problem. They are “every place you want to be,” as the advertising slogan goes. Restaurants, grocery stores, tourist shops — pretty much every business around accepts credit cards, and the country where those cards were issued is basically irrelevant.

There are situations, …

Using a U.S. Credit Card in Italy, Even When They Don’t Want You To… Read More

Traffic Tickets in Italy

If you are driving in Italy, you will obviously need to be aware of some of the rules of the road. One of these rules — which snares innumerable foreign tourists every year — is the “limited traffic zone.”

The limited traffic zone is an area, normally in the heart of a city, where casual traffic is prohibited. Only vehicles with a valid permit — such as delivery vehicles, emergency vehicles, and vehicles owned by …

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Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Located in Pisa, Italy, it was built over a period of about 200 years beginning in 1173. The tower originally served as the bell tower for Duomo di Pisa (Cathedral of Pisa), which is located beside it.

Galileo Galilei, who was born in Pisa and who both studied and later taught at the University of Pisa, is said to have …

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