Quietly, a Mass Exodus from the U.S. is Underway

As I have gone through the process of claiming my Italian citizenship and now moving to Italy, I’ve learned a lot of interesting things. Perhaps the most surprising one, to me at least, is the sheer number of people who are doing exactly what I’ve done: claiming their citizenship by birthright and then moving — permanently — to Italy.

I am in a Facebook group called “Americans Living in Italy.” That group currently has …

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Dealing with the Bureaucracy (Life in Italy)

You can’t talk about Italy without talking about the bureaucracy. No matter how much you might love the country, the people, the food, the atmosphere… there is still that slow-moving, often-conflicting, left-hand-doesn’t-know-what-the-right-hand-is-doing, we-have-a-rule-for-everything-and-then-some Italian bureaucracy.

I’ve heard and read stories of it innumerable times. Now I’m plunging into it myself.

I will say at the outset, however, that being an Italian citizen actually does seem to cut through much of the red tape. Which is …

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Through the Looking-Glass and Into Italy

So… It is five weeks ago today that we landed in Sardinia, opening up not just a new chapter in our lives, but an entirely new volume. Somewhat surprisingly, it was almost Alice-through-the-looking-glass easy — you step onto an airplane leaving one dimension,  you step off that plane and you’re in a whole other dimension. Boom, just like that — your entire reality has changed, in what seems like just the blink of an eye.…

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Map of Italy

The Big Move

If you only read this blog and don’t follow my personal page on Facebook, then you tend to miss out on a lot of things in my life. Because, I admit it, I post on Facebook a lot more than I post here.

For one thing, it’s easier, almost Twitter-like. Just have a thought and post it. Posting on this blog, by contrast, I treat much more seriously — like I’m writing an article. It …

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