New Release Coming – October 14th

Hey, everyone!! As I posted on Facebook a few days ago, I have a new release coming out on Friday, October 14th. I am really happy with it, I’ve worked on it for a long time.

It is going to be sort of a multi-media thing: sound recording on Spotify and other streaming platforms, plus a Kindle ebook on Amazon. I think you will like it. (You will especially like it if you have a sense of humor….)

You can actually be one of the first to get it delivered “right to your door,” so to speak, on Spotify if you simply go there and follow my artist’s page. Just follow the link, then hit the big “Follow” button. (If you’re not signed into Spotify, you’ll have to sign in first.) All of my followers will have the recording show up in their “Release Radar” playlist that Friday. So if you’re a follower, you get first dibs, without even having to do anything.

I will release the cover art probably a week ahead of time, i.e., next Friday the 7th. I think you will like that, too, to be honest… <insert big grin here>

So prepare yourselves. We are going to have some fun…