Celebration of the Sun: Diurnal

Coming on Wednesday, April 19, 2023: A new 4-song EP entitled, Celebration of the Sun: Diurnal. It will be released on all of your favorite music-streaming platforms.

The songs have actually been around for awhile, uncompleted and unreleased. I like them a lot, and it’s time they were set free to see the light of day, so to speak. They follow the movement of the sun through the four major phases of the daytime portion of its daily cycle.

In preparation for the release, I’ve prepared a little sampler of the songs, along with a cool video. You can check it out at the YouTube link below.

And don’t forget to go like or follow my artist page on your favorite streaming service. That will allow you to be one of the first to hear the complete versions of these songs when they’re released.

Let me know which song you like the best in the comments section.

Album cover photo: Vicky Perrone