Web Development Services

I have been doing web development and programming since around 1995, the very earliest days of the web. In those days, I was also a contractor for General Electric Information Services and Microsoft. So I have been around the block a few times and have some ideas about things.

If you are planning a web presence and need someone to help put it together, please drop me a line. We can talk about what you need and what I might be able to do for you. I can do custom programming to make  your site do whatever you need it to do. I can set you up on WordPress, configure shopping carts, etc. Let me know what you need, I will let you know what I can do.

I will also let you know what I can NOT do — which is a lot more than many developers will do. I’ve spent a lot of time in the last 20+ years cleaning up messes where others promised far more than they could deliver….

I have also done a little bit of work/research on cryptocurrencies and blockchain.  So if you are looking for something along those lines, I may be able to help you there as well.

Drop me a line at edp@edperrone.com.