Celebration of the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene in La Maddalena, Italy (video)

The feast of St. Mary Magdalene (Santa Maria Maddalena) on July 22nd is a big deal here in La Maddalena. She is the patron saint of the city and the island, and the church here is dedicated to her as well. So when her feast day rolls around,  the locals, tourists, and dignitaries all turn out for a celebration.

Here’s a video from last year’s celebration (2018). It contains everything from prayers to fireworks to …

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Classical Gas

I have wanted to learn this song since my college days. Never managed to  get it. Until a few years ago, when I bought a cheap used classical guitar. I liked the guitar (a Yamaha), so I figured since I now have a classical guitar, why don’t I give one more try to learning “Classical Gas”?

This time, I got it. I’ve since sold the guitar, but now I’ll always be able to play the …

Classical Gas Read More

Snotty Phone Meets the Telemarketers – Episode 3

In this episode, Snotty leaves a message for Texas Senator Bryan Hughes, chats with a representative of the NRA, and has a little fun with the usual collection of life insurance, health insurance, and “final expenses” hucksters. Not to mention the guy with the heavy accent who says your computer is downloading malicious files from the Internet….

These are all REAL calls. Take a look, you will laugh your buns off.

Also, you can watch …

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